
Customized Pricing Structures

Serving Bergen County since 1996

3 Convenient Locations

Enrolling children 6 weeks - 5 years old


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Tuition Rates Based on Your Individual Schedule

Not every day care is created equal. Choose the enthusiastic, caring, and results-oriented staff at Bell's Little Learners. We have many different programs depending on the needs of the families.

Although you can't put a price on the peace of mind that comes with quality childcare, please feel free to call the location you are interested in and they will be happy to speak with you and give you the tuition rates for the schedule you need over the phone.

Please call for pricing as we have many different options depending on the needs of the individual family. We are currently doing in person tours. Families need to call or email to schedule appointments with the directors.

Call for Our Rates

Family Tours Offered

Schedule a Tour Today!!

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