
Bell's Little Learners Handbook

Bell's Little Learners is a quality, state of the art childcare center. Bell’s Little Learners offers year-round care and a 12-month curriculum. Our school provides experienced, certified teachers and is licensed by the Division of Youth and Family Services and by the State of New Jersey. Above all, Bell’s Little Learners is a childcare facility where your child’s safety and security are our number one priority. Your child will be exposed to the raw materials needed for learning while learning how to interact with other children and adults.


Bell’s Little Learners has designed a flexible program to accommodate the childcare needs of all parents. Our hours begin at 7am and end at 6pm. Each child will receive quality care from carefully screened; experienced, certified teachers and other trained and supervised staff members. Our program has been designed to help children develop a positive self image, communication skills, curiosity, joy in learning, physical skills and creativity. In addition, we will also provide, at no additional cost, a host of special classes. Theses classes will be offered at different times during the week and will include arts and crafts, music, dance, and computer instruction.


The positive and lasting effects of child’s participation in a quality preschool/pre-k program has been documented in many studies over the last decade. A high-quality preschool/pre-k program can provide a child with the foundation for a valuable social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth experience. We welcome you to our center. We have prepared this handbook to provide you with a ready source of information about our school.

Outline of Centers Objectives

1. To provide a safe and secure environment for all children.

2. To develop a positive emotional outlook regarding learning situations.

3. To encourage every child to become excited about learning.

4. To present materials that will help all children at different development    stages.

5. To help each child develop a healthy self-image.

6. To provide an environment conducive to the development of the whole child (mentally, physically and emotionally).

7. To inspire and develop creativity.

8. To teach respect and dignity.

9. To expose children to as many academic and cultural experiences as possible; pre-reading, language, math, science, social studies, writing, math, language, music, dance, dramatic and free play, and art.



All of our staff members are carefully screened, trained and supervised. Multiple written references on each individual are required and all personnel will be certified in infant-child CPR and first aid. All staff has background checks and fingerprinting as required by the Division of Youth and Family Service.


We have a 12-month curriculum (September-June and then summer camp) in which all children will be exposed to an academically based program, which will be interwoven with physical, social and theme-based activities.   Each teacher follows an age appropriate curriculum. Weekly or monthly lesson plans are posted for each individual class on the class bulletin board. Parents are emailed a monthly calendar to insure they are notified of all activities. Please be sure to check that calendar so your child does not miss out on any fun days.

Parents Rights

In keeping with state licensing regulations, we wish to inform you that:

1. We have an open-door policy and parents can visit the center at any time without having a scheduled appointment.

2. A written philosophy of discipline will be posted and available to parents.

3. Parent/staff conferences will be held semi-annually or upon parent and/or staff request.

4. All citizens are obligated to report suspected child abuse, neglect and/or exploitation to the appropriate agency at (800) 792-8610.

5. A copy of the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers is kept in the director’s office at all times.

6. Parents may ask for a conference with the teacher and/or director at any time that is convenient.

7. Parents may call the school whenever necessary to check on their children.

8. Parents will be informed of any injuries that occur that involve the neck or head immediately following the injury. For all other injuries staff may contact parents or let them know at pick up.

9. Parents will have to sign accident reports for any injury and they may request a copy of it.

10. Parents may contact the owner, Stacie Bell, if they feel it is necessary. 201-280-0427 or bellslittlelearners@gmail.com



Your child will not be admitted if he/she has any of the following: 1. significant elevation of temperature, if temperature is 101.5, they will be sent home, 2. skin rash, 3. inflamed eyes, 4. sore throat, 5. vomiting or diarrhea. If your child experiences any of these illnesses during the school day, you will be contacted and asked to have your child picked up from school. If your child is sent home with a fever, vomiting or diarrhea they must be 24 hours symptom free prior to returning to school. If your child is sent home for other things -a rash, pink eye, etc., you are required to obtain a doctor’s clearance letter prior to returning. Also, if your child is exposed to any general childhood diseases listed below please notify us immediately. Please do not give your child/children Tylenol or Motrin prior to school. Please remember there is no credit given for days missed due to illness.

Table of Excludable Communicable Diseases


Respiratory          Gastro-Intestinal             Contact

Illnesses                     Illnesses                    Illnesses


Chicken Pox          Giardia Lamblia*             Impetigo

German Measles*      Hepatitis A*                 Lice

Hemophilus               Salmonella*                  Scabies


Measles*                      Shigella*



Strep Throat


Whooping Cough


*Reportable diseases, as required by N.J.A.C. 10:122-7.10(a).


We will administer oral medication only. Medication will be given as prescribed by your physician and as noted on our Medication sign-in sheet. No medicine will be given that is not in the original prescription bottle or accompanied by a note from your Doctor with the medication name, amount to be given and times to be given. Over the counter non-prescription drugs shall only be dispensed in accordance with the recommended dosage, age and /or weight of the child or time (we cannot give overnight medicine to a child during the day). Parents should not give child/children Tylenol, Motrin or any other fever suppressing medication prior to school. Only the following over the counter drugs will be administered without a Physicians authorization: 


                Cough suppressants

                Topical ointments


Parents must provide disposable diapers, wipes and any ointment for their child. All children will be changed every 2 to 3 hours or as needed (bowel movements). Staff will wear disposable gloves for all diaper changes.

Toilet Training

At Bell’s Little Learners we feel it is very important that parents and teachers work together with their toilet training procedures. Our staff has been instructed to follow the directions of each parent regarding specific times and vocabulary relating to toilet training. It is very important to be consistent both in school and at home once toilet training has begun. Our staff has also been instructed to try and make toilet training a fun and enjoyable experience for the children.

Children who are in the process of toilet training need a few extra pairs of underwear and pants/shorts, which need to be labeled with the child’s name. We also ask that you send these extra clothes in a duffle bag or backpack, so we can send any dirty clothes home. Children must be potty trained in order to move from our Munchkin class into our PreK 1 class.



All children are required to have a change of clothes, clearly marked with the child’s name. A shirt, pair of pants, underwear, and socks will be kept in your child’s bin at all times. Closed toed and rubber soled shoes are required, for your child’s safety no open toed shoes are allowed.  We also do not allow glitter shoes in school. We try to take the children outside every day. In the winter please dress you child accordingly, include a hat, gloves, and coat.

Inclement Weather

During overnight snow/ice situations, Parents will receive an email or they can call the school after 6:20am. The answering machine message will inform you if we are opened, closed, or having a delayed opening. For snow situations during the school day, a decision will be made no later than 12:30pm at which time the parents will each be called. Parents should have their phones with them and leave immediately to insure on time pick up. All decisions are made in the best interest and safety of the children and staff. Miss Stacie will make all decisions and they are final. If we are unable to get in touch with the parents, we will call the emergency numbers.


Emergency School Closings

There are certain situations where we, by state law, need to close the school. No use of the bathroom and/or kitchen, no electricity, no heat, or any other situations the affect the safety of the children.


Nap/Rest Time

Children who attend our all-day program will have a rest period after lunch. Please supply a sleeping bag for naptime, no pillows are allowed. All items should be labeled clearly with your child’s name.  Children under 12 months are not allowed to have a blanket as per state rules.



We offer an optional lunch plan that parents can sign up for at simplygourmetlunches.com. They offer a variety of food, both cold and hot and different portion sizes. You may send your child to school with lunch. If you are sending in a hot lunch, we ask that they are sent in microwaveable containers and preheated in their own thermos.  If you are sending in a cold lunch, we ask that you put an ice pack in the lunch box.  All children need a lunch box for school. Please make sure all containers you send in are labeled with your child's name.


Release Time

We will not release any child to anyone other then the parents. In the event you make arrangements for someone else to pick up your child, be sure to give us advanced written authorization either by email or a note sent in to school in the morning that we may release your child to that person. The authorization must include the persons name and address and we will ID the person when they arrive. We ask that the code for the door is not given to anyone so they will have to ring the door bell. This allows us to ID them at the door. The person will be required to sign off that we checked their identification.


Policies for all children


  1. No toys are allowed from home except for show and tell days. Children may bring in books and movies any time. We have many toys in school and do not want them to get mixed up.
  2. No open toed shoes are allowed at any time
  3. If your child needs to eat breakfast at school, they must be in school no later then 8:15am. Breakfast ends at 8:30 and they need time to eat. NO child will be served breakfast that arrives after 8:15. 
  4. All should arrive at school no later than 9:00am. Classes begin at 9:00am and it is disruptive to the other children when others are late.
  5. All items brought from home, blankets, clothes, Tupperware, etc., MUST BE LABELED with the child’s name. We are not responsible for any unmarked lost items. 
  6. No candy or soda is allowed in school.
  7. Children must be 24 hour fever, vomiting, or diarrhea free before returning to school. If they are sent home for any of these reasons, they are NOT allowed in school on the next day.
  8. Bottles and pacifiers are only allowed in the Jellybean and Cupcake rooms. Children are not allowed to have either bottles or pacifiers in the Tiny Toons, Munchkin, Pre-K1 or Pre-K2 classes. If parent wants children in Tiny Toons and Munchkins can have "sippy" cups, however "sippy" cups are not allowed in either the Prek1 or Prek2(straw cups are fine).
  9. If you choose to pay your tuition weekly you must sign up for ProCare auto pay. Parents needing a different form of payment, money order, cash, etc. must speak with the director.
  10. If you pay tuition monthly, the tuition is due on the 26th of the month prior to the month the tuition is for-example February tuition is due on or before January 26th.
  11. Late tuition payments are subject to a $40 late fee.
  12. For non-school hour emergencies or problems, you may call Miss Stacie at 201-280-0427. There is voice mail if there is no answer.


If a monthly tuition contract has been signed then payment is due on or before the 26th of the previous month. If the payment is not received on or before the 26th of the month they will be charged a $40 late fee. Parents may choose the auto payment plan with the monthly fee; the cost is .75 cents. If a weekly tuition contract has been signed, then payment must be made through autopay with a fee of .75 cents. If a family needs to pay weekly in a different form (money order, cash, other family member check, etc.), they must speak to the director. For any child whose tuition has not been received by these dates, Bell’s Little Learners reserves the right to refuse the continuation of classes. 

Bell’s Little Learners reserves the right to terminate enrollment due to non-payment of tuition or an inability of child or parents to adjust to our program.

No credit or refund will be given for absences, scheduled school holidays, or emergency school closing. TUITION IS DUE IN OR OUT OF ATTENDANCE (with the exception of the 2 weeks we are closed for vacation).

When more then one child is enrolled from one family a 10% discount is given to the second child.

There will be a $40.00 fee for all returned checks. After two returned checks, your privilege of paying by check will be suspended and all tuition will have to be paid in cash, credit card or money order. When paying by credit card there will be a 2.5% processing fee.


Other Charges for Unscheduled Services:

Late charges for a child remaining after 6:00pm---------$1.00 per minute


Discipline Policy

For children, discipline is primarily a problem of accepting limits that must be imposed for the safety and support of all children within a group. Through thoughtful planning of the environment and the provision of appropriate, stimulating material, our staff strives to prevent or at least minimize any situations which aggressive, hostile feelings will emerge from the children, However, these feelings are a natural part of maturation and so will be dealt with in a most understanding manner.


The staff at Bell's Little Learners is taught to use a method of discipline which is positive and consistent with the developmental needs of the children. When a child acts out his/her aggressive or hostile feelings, a teacher will intervene in a kind, yet firm manner.


If the child's teacher feels that any child is being disruptive and/or not following class rules, which have previously been discussed with the children, he/she will be verbally corrected. However, if the child's behavior continues to be disruptive to the entire class, the child will be excluded from the class activity for a short period of time. In severe situations; hitting, biting, etc the child will be given an age appropriate "time out" in the designated time out area.

Our goal is to promote self-confidence in every child as well as teach them to respect adults as will as other children. However, should a child's misconduct continue creating an unsafe environment for themselves or others and only after discussion has taken place with the parents, a possible expulsion could take place if a solution between the school and the parents can not be reached


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